Rainbow Skies    
Well, the end of my second season for the CSA program has come to an end.  I was sad to be done earlier than I should have been.  Between the extreme weather conditions this summer and having to go through radiation treatments for six weeks, everything kind of took its toll on the veggies.  I have to say, though, that given everything I was happy with the produce and thoroughly enjoyed providing good farm food for you all:-)  I thank you all again for your patronage.  And, of course, I am already planning and scheming for next year.  So far my first bee hive has been a success, and I learned a lot about the life of a honey bee -- and I thought I worked hard!  We got a small amount of honey from the hive and it is delicious!  (You need to leave 60 pounds of honey for them so that they have enough food for the winter months.)  I think I will add at least one more hive next year and if all goes well I will have honey to sell.  Hopefully they’ll survive the winter and that I won’t have the colony collapse disease hit.  
This rainbow made its glorious appearance on July 11th, and I thought it was a nice way to sum up how I feel this summer went.  Ya gotta have a little rain to get the rainbow:-)
Wednesday, September 19, 2007